Wish I had something exciting to blog about but I haven't really done much lately. I did go to London Dungeon with Stuart on Thursday which was an eye opening experience. We lined up with the hoards of school kids (school hols, you see) to see what life was like in the middle ages. It focuses on the disgusting and torturous elements of 17th and 18th century London. Bit grossed out by the smell in there. One girl actually fainted in our group and they had to stop the show to revive her.
Last time I was over here I went to an exhibition called "Dublinia" in Christ Church Cathedral in Dublin, Ireland. A lot of the information about middle ages was the same at the Dungeon but I think I must be showing my late 20s age, because the "gross out" factor of the Dungeon didn't really appeal to me. I don't regret going. It was a fun thing to do and I hadn't been before, but I think that it is probably something best done with school aged children (preferably about 10 or 11 years of age as the little ones get too spooked).
Friday night I went out for Spanish with Karen, Courteney and Rebecca. Courteney has been running around Western Europe on a couple of Contiki trips. It sounds like she has been having a blast.

Am also really looking forward to going to Copenhagen. As is much of Australia, I love Princess Mary. So going to the Palace for a tour is top on the priority list. I'm in Denmark for 3 days so I'm sure I can squeeze it in. Then after Denmark I spend 5 days in Norway before heading over Sweden and then working my way back down to Helsinki in Finland and then last stop is Copenhagen again. I'm a little nervous, but very excited.